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BCA-Industry COVID-Safe Restart Webinar Series

Please click HERE to download the compiled list of Q&As raised during the webinar sessions. The list will be progressively updated as we reply to the questions received.

To access the Presentation Materials, click on the corresponding links below:

[For Developers] 3 June, 4:00pm – 5:30pm

BCA-REDAS COVID-Safe Restart Webinar

A COVID-Safe Industry Restart: Policy Consideration, Restart Criteria & Support Measures

Click HERE to download slides

Criteria #1: A COVID-Safe Workforce for the Built Environment Sector

Click HERE to download slides

Criteria #2: A COVID-Safe Worksite for All

Click HERE to download slides

Criteria #3: A COVID-Safe Accommodation / Transport for the Construction Workers

Click HERE to download slides

[For Contractors] 4 June, 11:00am – 12:30pm

BCA-SCAL COVID-Safe Restart Webinar

A COVID-Safe Industry Restart: Policy Consideration, Restart Criteria & Support Measures

Click HERE to download slides

Criteria #1: A COVID-Safe Workforce for the Built Environment Sector

Click HERE to download slides

Criteria #2: A COVID-Safe Worksite for All

Click HERE to download slides

Criteria #3: A COVID-Safe Accommodation / Transport for the Construction Workers

Click HERE to download slides

[For Specialist Contractors] 4 June, 4:00pm – 5:30pm

BCA-STAS-SLECMA COVID-Safe Restart Webinar

A COVID-Safe Industry Restart: Policy Consideration, Restart Criteria & Support Measures

Click HERE to download slides

Criteria #1: A COVID-Safe Workforce for the Built Environment Sector

Click HERE to download slides

Criteria #2: A COVID-Safe Worksite for All

Click HERE to download slides

Criteria #3: A COVID-Safe Accommodation / Transport for the Construction Workers

Click HERE to download slides

[For Facility Management Practitioners] 5 June, 11:00am – 12:30pm

BCA-APFM-SIFMA COVID-Safe Restart Webinar

A COVID-Safe Industry Restart: Policy Consideration, Restart Criteria & Support Measures

Click HERE to download slides

A COVID-Safe Workforce for the Built Environment Sector

Click HERE to download slides

A COVID-Safe Accommodation / Transport

Click HERE to download slides

Sharing on “SIFMA Advisory on Recommended Measures for Facility Management in Preparation for Restart or Ramping Up of Operations Post Circuit Breaker”

Click HERE to download slides

[For Consultants] 5 June, 4:00pm – 5:30pm

BCA-SIA-ACES-SISV COVID-Safe Restart Webinar

A COVID-Safe Industry Restart: Policy Consideration, Restart Criteria & Support Measures

Click HERE to download slides

Criteria #1: A COVID-Safe Workforce for the Built Environment Sector

Click HERE to download slides

Criteria #2: A COVID-Safe Worksite for All

Click HERE to download slides

Criteria #3: A COVID-Safe Accommodation / Transport for the Construction Workers

Click HERE to download slides

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