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Refresher Course for Licensed Electrical Workers (Technicians & Engineers)

Event code: 77051



In its effort to enable licensed electrical workers to keep up on a regular basis with advancement in technology, good industrial practices and changing business environment, Energy Market Authority (EMA) requires all licensed electrical workers to attend a prescribed refresher course every 5 years.
Upon completing the refresher course, participants will gain an understanding of the latest updates in the Electricity Act, relevant regulations and codes of practice, requirements for connection and activation of electricity supply, common non-compliances, information on grid-tied solar photovoltaic systems, and case studies of electrical accidents.


• Highlights in Electricity Act (Cap. 89A) and relevant regulations
• Overview on Application of Electricity Supply
• Procedures for Application & Turn-On of Electricity Supply
• Procedures for first energisation to non-domestic consumer’s electrical installation >45kVA
• Site Requirements – Common Deviations
• Metering Requirements
• Common non-compliance in electrical installation (<45kVA) with SS638
• Highlights in Code of Practice (SS638 & SS650) and other SS
• Solar Photovoltaic (PV) Systems
• Electrical Accident Investigations – Case Studies


The course will be conducted by industry practitioners as well as personnel from EMA, SP Group, and HDB.


This is a prescribed refresher course for licensed electrical workers only. Priority will be given in the order of expiry date of the license. 


Date: 29 Oct 2024 - last run in 2024, registration will be opened from 1 July 2024.
Duration: 1 day
Time: 9.00am to 6.00pm
Venue: BCA Braddell Campus

Frequency: Quarterly

In keeping with our green and sustainable practices, course notes will be available in e-format.


Fee (inclusive of 9% GST): S$299.00


Written MCQ assessment
Participant must attain at least 80% of class attendance to be eligible to sit for the assessment. 

An e-Certificate of Successful Completion will be issued to participants who:
• Achieve at least 80% class attendance; and
• Pass the written assessment.


For latest update on course date and/or registration, please visit BCA Academy Online StoreFront (OSF) - CLICK HERE 


Subject to award from PEB
To check for CPD point eligibility, please CLICK HERE

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